I want to share some motivational words with you.

Birthday blues.

So I cried a lot yesterday!!! I mean. Geez.

As I have gotten older I have really started to hate birthdays. And yesterday was just super tough. I had to really have a conversation with myself. Because between COVID-19, missing my son (who is with his dad), facing another year older, losing months of work and missing the stage like a lover who left me… I was just a mess!!!

I tried to think of solutions. And I thought of all the people who have been feeling down during this period. And going through a similar reality as me.

And so I wanted to share with you how I handled myself.

I am not sure where you are spiritually. But my spirituality has been my saving grace.

During this time if your prayer life, or whatever you believe in hasn’t gotten stronger then you have missed a great opportunity here. You have to keep the faith and stay positive and avoid moments of being alone if you can not handle it, which is hard and I felt so awful to mandate. But I get it. (if you live alone stay connected to someone via video chat or phone calls as much as possible!) Oh and if you are looking at too much social media! And listening to constant moans from others you have to change this. Now!!!

Seriously. Listen to music. Watch only positive content. Stop listening to people who believe the world is coming to an end and we are doomed. Stop being negative. And force yourself to stay up!! I had to get myself together!!! And I’m telling you. You have to be your own best audience. You have to be your own best friend!! You have to be able to give yourself a spiritual standing ovation! You have to believe that when this is all over we will come out on the other side better! And stronger! And more enlightened and aware! The only pep talk that can work is one you believe in. And any self-talk you give yourself from this moment forward has to be of how great you are and how you believe that everything is going to be alright! Even in this thing we are in right now everything is alright!!
I’m proclaiming it now.  And I need your agreement. And by doing that drop an “amen” in the comments. Drop an “I know it’s going to be alright!” Drop an “I am a winner Stacy!” Drop a “God has my back and I’m gonna survive no matter what!” Drop an “I’m going to help others because it’s my duty!” Drop the comment that “my life is blessed!” Drop that “I am a survivor!!!”

Let’s unite and put our super powers together for the good. Let’s make God proud of how we handle each other now and coming out of this!

Please take a look inside your heart and if you are not showing more grace. Compassion and care for others especially now please please do better.

Your life will be blessed for it.

Have a great day. And today no matter what stay connected to me. In spirit and online. Let’s celebrate my birthday together. God has truly blessed me. And now the tears stream for joy. Joy that I have survived another year. Joy that my family is healthy wherever they are. Joy that God has blessed me with a man who loves me. And people around me at this time who really care. I am not perfect. Each day I strive for it. And I surely miss the mark. But each day I pray for guidance. And I look at phenomenal sources for direction.

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your amazing messages to me from last night and today.

I truly pray for your strength and peace and I know that we will all come out of this stronger if we believe it.

Stacy ️

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